Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

13 weeks!

Hola! They say the baby is the size of a medium shrimp now, or the length of a peach, about 3 inches. I am really starting to feel that I am pregnant in my belly, which is feeling stretched, or full or something. And even though my baby weighs only 1 ounce, my back is constantly aching already! Also, my skin is super dry all the time, like all my moisture is going to the little one.

I bought maternity jeans yesterday and I think I may never go back to regular jeans! They feel like sweat pants, but are just a lot cuter. I am excited about having the preggo belly and the maternity clothes, because it just makes it all seem like more of a reality. Between doctors visits, it is hard to even believe I'm pregnant. For about a week after the visit, I am on cloud 9 thinking how wonderful this all is, and then after that, I go back to worrying if the babe is okay and counting down the days to my next doctor's visit. Thankfully my hope is in the Lord ultimately, and I try to turn to Him with my anxieties in all of this. The doctor cannot do anything for my baby and I cannot do anything harmful to my baby that the Lord is not in control of, and that is a great comfort.

Anyway! My next appointment isn't until March 11th, but I'm trying to find a way to get another sonogram somewhere before that, even if I have to pay a little much for it. It's so fun to see. At my April appointment we will be able to find out the sex. We have a boy's name picked out pretty certainly, but still not sure on a girl's. Right now we are thinking Jackson Mitchell Curtis for a boy. Jackson being my maiden name, and Mitchell is Eric's brother's name. I am pretty against "popular" names, and Jackson is very popular right now for some reason (like 3 of the last 6 people I've known who have had boys, named their boy Jackson), but I have so much love for the Jackson name and so much pride in my amazing family, I think it is worth going against my "anti popular" name thing. What do you think?

Okay, sorry for the long post. Just wanted to update:)

Here is the link for week 13!

Baby Curtis and Mom, week 13

Below is a pic of a baby about the same age as Baby Curtis. Amazing to think about him/her living and growing inside of me and already looking so much like a little person. The Creator of life is so big and unfathomable, and yet He loves us so much and gives us blessings like these. He is knitting our baby together in my womb, His eyes are on its unformed body and all of its days have been ordained for it by Him, before one of them comes to be:) His thoughts about and on our baby outnumber the grains of sand. - Psalm 139. We are constantly praying that our child will know God and know Christ's love for him/her and that he/she will learn early to trust and love Him. We would love your prayers on this as well. Gracias!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby's first Valentine's Day

Eric took me to 3 Forks for some lobster bisque and steak for Valentine's Day and it was delicious. We joked that hopefully the baby wasn't getting used to that kind of meal:) I got flowers and a sweet card as well. You can see to the right my "baby bump" or at least that's what I am hoping it is:). You can judge for yourself if you think it is just fat, or if the baby is showing up at the 3 month mark...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

11 weeks

What will our baby look like? Hopefully like Eric because he was so super cute:) This week the baby is the size of a fig or a lime... I've included a picture of a fig for your imagination to take greater shape. Imagine Eric's cute baby face on this little piece of fruit. We went to the doctor on Wednesday and we got to see the little babe again and hear its busy heartbeat. It was a lot bigger, with a super large head... bout half the size of its body:)

I was glad to hear my doctor say that I can get my hair dyed. I have been wanting to, but read on the internet that it wasn't for sure a safe thing. My doc gave me the go ahead
though so, salon, here I come!

The internet is not really a wonderful source for info when pregnant because you can pretty much find a website to say anything you want to hear, or don't want to hear. Like it is normal to have mild cramps, or that mild cramps could be a very serious problem and you should go to the ER right away. So, instead of trusting the internet, we are really learning to trust God in all of this. It is a very out of control feeling, not being able to ensure the health and happiness of my baby, but I guess I need to get used to that huh? It is teaching me a lot already and we are so thankful for this experience.

Stay tuned...:) We are almost out of the 1st trimester. Keep all 3 of us in your prayers! Here is the 11 week info...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

10 Weeks:)

Read what is going on (more or less) with the little niƱo this week by clicking on the link below:) It is so miraculous to think about. I am feeling really great. No morning sickness, thank the Lord. I am just always really tired, and having to pee like every 30 minutes. My next appointment is in one week. I'll keep you updated.

p.s. If you are hoping for a boy and get excited that the website refers to the baby as a boy, don't get too excited... it changes from he to she every week:) If you are hoping for a girl, then next week you'll get to read about her (hypothetically).