Pregnancy Ticker

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Reason for Bloggin'

The reason for this blog is to keep friends and family updated on the life of the Curtis's, including Eric, Jill, and growing baby:) That's right... we are preggers! It was an amazing gift from God that He so perfectly revealed to us this past Christmas morning. I am off facebook and twitter and all of that, but I want to keep a blog for family and friends to see what's up, especially when we have a little one, and all the pics start piling up. For now, during the pregnancy, I will just blog every once in a while about how it's going, how the babe is doing, and hopefully will add more sonogram pictures that look more like me and Eric:). The baby is pretty much always on my mind, but I will try to write other pertinent things as well.
grace and peace,