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Monday, March 8, 2010

snoogle and baby names galore

Sorry I did not post for week 14. I did not have much that was new to say. The baby was the size of a lemon though and has graduated over the week to an... Apple! Crazy. I've had some growing pains, but nothing too severe. We get to go to the doctor on Thursday which I am really looking forward to. Can't wait to hear the little heart beat again:) It is possible to determine the sex of the baby at around this time, but most doctors will not from what I've heard, due to not wanting to make an error and then you go out and buy a nursery and a million baby outfits for the wrong gender. So, I don't expect to find out this month, but at the April appointment we will for sure.

So to names... I am now going back and forth about Jackson and have no more clue about a girl's name. I do not think I will be sharing our ideas anymore though, because then if people say they don't like it, it makes me think maybe I don't like it, and I don't want to go off of what others' think, but off what Eric and I think is the best. So, we may decide on names, and then surprise everyone when the baby is born with what his/her name is. I probably care too much what people think, but this way I don't have to worry about it:) So if we name the little one something you don't like, just pretend you like it:), just kidding, sort of.

It is really really hard to come up with names that we both like though and that we both like for longer than a day... considering this child will have this name its whole life, we should probably agree and love the name for a consistent period of time before deciding. I'm going back and forth on Jackson because of the popularity thing. I'm thinking maybe a middle name Jackson might be best. I love the name Jacob, "Jake" but that is my brother's name and he may think it's weird and I don't know if Eric likes it, I'm just thinking out loud. Anyway... let me tell you about this body pillow I got called a SNOOGLE.

It is awesome (though I hope I don't start getting poofy hair and wearing weird pj's like the woman in the pic from using it or from being pregnant:))! I wish I had always had one and I may never give it up even after I have the baby. I slept really well last night and was less sore when I woke up. Thankful to my mom for buying it for me, plus a maternity shopping spree she took me on yesterday! I hope I will be as wonderful a mother as she is to me.

grace and peace!
Adios for now!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know Eric dislikes my name....or me.....haha....But I would be TOTALLY down with naming a boy Jacob......heres some two cents to help! Dakota Curtis, (boy or girl) Joy Curtis (except that might be my daugthers...but willing to give up) and for some reasons i like months!!! June Curtis, or May Curtis....or if you were really crazy, July Curtis!! But you cant go May..jill, you know why....'all the way may, and thats more than a name thats an attitude!' and July is just weird...but you are kind of a weird hippy so its all good. how bout Marla Hooch?......'shes got an eye like dimaggio!'

    as for Jackson! all those other posers don't matter. You can name him Jackson and then he can tell people why when they ask! he comes from the great curtis family along with the great jackson family!
