Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

10 Weeks:)

Read what is going on (more or less) with the little niño this week by clicking on the link below:) It is so miraculous to think about. I am feeling really great. No morning sickness, thank the Lord. I am just always really tired, and having to pee like every 30 minutes. My next appointment is in one week. I'll keep you updated.

p.s. If you are hoping for a boy and get excited that the website refers to the baby as a boy, don't get too excited... it changes from he to she every week:) If you are hoping for a girl, then next week you'll get to read about her (hypothetically).

1 comment:

  1. pretty cool! you're already 10 weeks?? it's impossible that it can already bend its limbs... crazy.
    i made a dang account so i could comment, so you better write often!
